Helping Hand Clinic, Inc. plays a vital role in providing critical healthcare services to underserved populations of Lee County—populations that will become even more isolated as the virus spreads. As concerns heighten, we proactively implement protocols protecting patients, staff, and volunteers. Our clinic is focused on educating the hardest-to-reach individuals and families with the information they need to protect themselves and others.
A tax-deductible donation of $100 provides one patient one chronic care visit that could save their life.
There is not a better investment you could make with your charitable funds.
Send your donations to The Helping Hand Clinic
409 Carthage St.
Sanford, NC 27330
Phone: 919-776-4359
FAX: 919-776-0461
TAX ID: 56-1752295
Copyright © 2018 The Helping Hand Clinic - All Rights Reserved. - 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization
A sustaining donor is a person who donates a specified amount of their choice monthly. We are currently encouraging and asking everyone to do this in a specified amount. You can do this either on our website by clicking donate and making it a monthly donation or by mailing or dropping off a check or cash on a committed date every month.